Swimming Pool Services and Renovations

Pool equipment install and repairs in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Broward County

Gates Melody Pool Service in Fort Lauderdale Florida.

Fully licensed and insured, in business since 1964, Gates Melody Pool Service Inc. is a family owned and operated business. For a Free Quote... Contact Terry Gates.

Top quality custom pool installations, renovations, repairs, leak detection, filters, chemicals, family business, trusted reliable swimming pool services!

Renovate and give your old pool new beauty with our custom pool renovations. Start to finish, diamond brite, pavers, tiles, everything your pool needs ... we do it all!

Gates Melody Pools, swimming pool services in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Call Terry Gates for Free Estimates!

Swimming Pool Installations in Fort Lauderdale, Diamond Brite, River Rock, Pavers, Renovations, Brick and Tile, Hand Rails and Ladders, Heat Pumps, Heaters, Salt Chlorinators, Pool Equipment, Return and Vac Lines, Pool Lighting, Valves and Skimmer, and services all by Gates Melody Pool Service Inc.

About Gates Melody Pools and how we started.

Dave and Alberta Gates moved to south Florida from Michigan in 1964 to start a new life and career for themselves and their family. Starting with a truck and determination, Dave started knocking on doors and gaining customers. With a large customer service base established he saw south Florida and the pool industry growing. The company branched out and began building pools, renovating existing pools and installing new equipment.

  • Melody Pools has always been a one on one operation not taking on more than we could handle. To this day we still have some of our original customers, with their children and even grandchildren calling for repairs and renovation.

Dave and Alberta retired in 1995 turning control over to their son Terry whose been with the company since he was 12 years old... unfortunately Dave and Alberta both passed away in 2014 but Terry and the company are still moving forward, carrying on the proud standards and quality established from the beginning.

Gates Melody swimming pool services in Fort Lauderdale FL.

  • Repairs, renovations, pool maintenance, pool pumps, heaters, more!

  • If you're thinking about pool renovations, repairs, installation or advice, give Terry a call!  Many thanks, The Gates